Sarah & Nick
Kicking off the 2018 year with my first senior session.... and the best part is.... THEY'RE TWINS! Sarah got in contact with me a little while back hoping I had some openings for April! When she told me she wanted to shoot at Heller's Nursery I personally squealed and in my head thought "YESSSS!" I have never photographed a session at Heller's and have alway admired photos done there. Let me tell you if you have not done a session here you are missing out because this location is pretty much gold to photographers. It's rustic brick buildings are filled with large industrial windows, doors and high ceilings. Did I mention that there is a peacock that lives here named Paco? Just as a heads up, don't try to pet him... bad idea!! Around each corner I kept finding new treasures and seriously SWEET places for photos. I really enjoyed my time with Sarah & Nick and hopefully they had fun and enjoy their sneak peek into your session! I wish you two the best with your final year & of course the best of luck with your future!!
Much love,
For this shot I actually shot through a glass door but you can't even tell! I love the way the frame cuts into the photo.
Like most seniors boys Nick was not that thrilled to get his photo taken but I personally think he did a great job! He stuck it out with me and tried all my silly ideas and had to listen to me talk talk talk the entire time.
Inside the greenhouse was easily my favorite. We called this the "Jungle Plants" which I love because I love green. The textures I have going on in these photos just makes my mouth drool... because lets be honest... I am in love!
They're twins so naturally of course we have to get some photos taken together! Don't they just look like they love each other so much! ;)
Thanks again to Sarah, Nick and their mom for following me around all night and trying all my silly ideas and thoughts! I had so much fun and I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!