Dupuis Wedding
My first official blog post for 2019, how exciting! The Dupuis wedding was gorgeous and everything in-between. Small, intimate, full of loving family and friends. The December weather was surprisingly warm & sunny for our typical Indiana weather so instead of snow we were brought lots of mud from past rain so we decided to head downtown and explore all of our options.
I love downtown Decatur because it holds the most unique nooks & crannies. When you add Aprils dress with these fun textures… they just popped perfectly. I am still openly booking 2019 weddings but have limited dates available but I am also openly booking 2020 as well. I would love to chat with you and discuss pricing + details if you are a future bride.
Big thank you to April + JD for having me photograph their big day.
First looks are the sweetest and sometimes they are the perfect way to tame down wedding day jitters.